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It's as though a New Holiday has Arrived!

I came home today after a visit to the Lee County Tax Collectors office (I had to get my new FL license and replace my old Maine'r ID) and near the right side of the front door was a box. I knew what it was because I had been following the tracking information every 5 minutes =). I quickly snatched it up and opened up the box to find a huge amount of material to go over. To my surprise the kit also includes a Fat Caliper! I am very excited because now I can follow my fat % loss as well as my muscular gains.
I went through the main guide which describes the idea of lifting heavy because "Muscle Burns Fat". That seems to be my new 3 words of the next 90 days. P90X (PX90) was all about "Bring It" and I did, I saw some incredible results, but most of all I feel so much better than 90 days ago.
It seems ChaLEAN is another 90 day program which is great, I love having a structure, and I love how the Beachbody programs break it all up in 30 day phases. ChaLEAN and P90X seem identical when it comes to the Phases. However, they each go about getting you in shape and ripped in different ways (Expect a comparison as I get into the ChaLEAN program).

I did notice that ChaLEAN Extreme focuses on 5 days a week of work and then 2 rest days. Where P90X was 6 days a week followed by 1 rest day. I have been floating around the idea of Yoga X or Ab Ripper X on one of the off days to add some extra intensity. Only time will tell.

I am going to put out a video describing the system and what I understand from reading the Manual. I also want to review the intro video which explains the methodology and form techniques for the 90 day journey.

ChaLEAN Team Xtreme will be getting started on March 19th. Chaz and I put together the idea of having a Support team of anyone that wants to get onboard. We will all be on the same days or as close as possible. We have a Skype Group Chat that is live and if I get enough people there will be a Myspace and Facebook group also. Share Tips, Tricks, Experience, and Advice to help keep each other motivated and on track towards success! Contact me to find out more.

Ask yourself this - Are you ready to get Xtreme Results?

aka BetterBody90