Slightly over due but here it is never-the-less
60 Days of P90X
I am going to show you my 60 days Measurements and Pictures - But first...
When I started this program I had little idea what was in store for me - I figured I would just jump right back into peak physical shape within 2 weeks like I had been years ago. It wasn't until I completed day 1 that I realized how much work this was really going to be! I say this not to scare the P90X Newbie but to help you understand that this is real, intense, serious work. P90X is not for the faint of heart or those looking to get a quick easy workout in their life. P90X is your new life, it requires time and it requires patience - my favorite aspect of P90X is that it's not a bunch of heavy weights but more over its using your own body weight and abilities to increase your physical fitness. You bring what you can every workout and things can and will inevitably get better as long as you continue to bring it consistently.
My first two weeks were spent in a lot of pain - Lets call this "good pain" - but it was pain regardless. I could hardly get in and out of my car without bellowing like an old man that hasn’t worked out in 40 years – for the record I am 24 years old. I was stiff and I was hurting without a doubt. I think I may have brought it to much during my first couple days - I had the mindset that I was going to blow this P90X thing out of the water and keep up with the pro's in a matter of one week. To my satisfaction hat was not the case, it's really not that easy! I love a good physical challenge and P90X does not hold short on providing.
It was around my day 30 that I really started to see and feel the extreme results - My diet was really rough and spotty throughout the first two weeks so that may have contributed to my slow start. I had days where I would eat nearly perfect and days where I would go without eating anything; this was mainly due to my work schedule at the time. But once I started into my second phase of P90X I started to reach a balance or equilibrium in my diet. I increased my protein intake and began to supplement with Creatine - Not that this is something you have to do but it is something I have always done when attempting to build muscle. After all my entire goal with P90X was to get into great shape but also to bulk up a bit. I am what many consider a "hard gainer" and I want to prove that P90X can help even the little guy pack on muscle and get a ripped lean looking body in those wonderful 90 days!
Upon reaching my 60 days I am now 2/3 through my first phase of the program and I can honestly say I haven’t felt this good in a long, long, long time. I wasn't in this shape when I swam, ran track, and lifted regularly back in high school. Mainly because all for mentioned activities were sparse and spread out - I never understood the direct correlation between resistance training and aerobic exercise as one unit. P90X does an amazing job with mixing all needed elements to get your body into peak shape. With a proper diet and a consistent workout routine there is no way in my mind that P90X can't work – It is simply the tool to get in shape, You must accept the challenge and bring it consistently to get results.
I began Phase 3 week 9 with doubles (adding Cardio X in addition to the regular schedule 4 days a week). I am going to tell you that was the most intense week I had - It will leave you feeling absolutely fit but the problem I have is the time requirements - You must have 2-3 hours on the double days to devote to P90X. I have that time but my unstructured days make it difficult, that is something I am working on and I hope after taking a singles week in week 10 I can go back to doubles for weeks 11 and 12. Obviously I will let you know and tell you what to expect!
Day 1 and Day 60 measurements:
Chest | Waste | Hips | Thighs | Arms | |
Day 1 | 38" | 33" | 35.5" | 22.5" | 12.5" |
Day 60 | 38.5" | 31.5" | 35" | 21.5" | 13.5" |
Results | +.5" | -1.5" | -.5" | -1" | +1" |
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