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I was going to do a ChaLEAN Extreme Day 20 Update but I decided it couldn't wait - So here is my Day 19 Update :)

Things have still been flowing pretty smooth with ChaLEAN - I have really cracked down on the forms and learned to maximize each move. I also cranked my weight ahead on my Select Techs for each position at least 2.5 pounds up to 5 pounds on some. I definitely feel stronger in my back and shoulders and have noticed results mostly in my Deltoids.

I have not been very good at taking pictures as I have progressed through ChaLEAN - Not like P90X where I took pictures every day to every couple days. But in the same token I don't expect as much of a transformation as I have already completed P90X pre-ChaLEAN. The only thing that can change now is maybe a loss of 1% body fat and some bulk.

Don't get me wrong though, it will happen! Push phase is phase 2 of ChaLEAN focuses on slow, controlled, isolated reps of at least 6 and no more than 8.

Low reps like that means huge muscle burn and therefore some good mass as long as the diet accompanies. I will be adding calories probably in the range of 2500-3000 in Phase 2 - I will also focus directly on my Protein intake equally - no less than 140 grams and upwards to 175 grams.

** I complete my first Coaching Broadcast and everything went well - I had 5 Viewers and some great questions. I plan to make this a weekly thing to help educate anyone interested in Coaching all about the program. It's not my goal to sell anything but more to the fact to attract those who are really of the mindset for success. Those are the people that will automatically join without me having to sell anything. It's those motivated and driven people that I want on my team of Coaches - Alone we can try but Together we Will Succeed!
If you were one of the Viewers I thank you for participating and hope you learned everything you needed to know - If you still have questions don't hesitate to Contact me on the Contact Form of this Blog.

Join me Next Monday from 8pm to 9pm EST for more Information on Coaching - How You can Get involved and Why You should be Involved.

Just Click this link at the Time Listed

Remember that to find true success and prosperity in your life and everything you do - You must first Love Yourself and Everything You Are!

"A man who finds no satisfaction in himself will seek for it in vain elsewhere."
La Rochefoucauld

Make Sure to Log Your Daily workouts in WOWY for a Chance to Win up to $1000 just for participating - How's that for staying accountable?

Independent Beachbody Emerald Coach
Jason Croxford aka Betterbody90 (WOWY)
Skype: jasoncroxford