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on 7:41 AM

I spent some time this morning going through an old notebook of mine - Through searching a variety of different entries I came across this one that means a lot to me. This sums up a lot about me...

"This is to the days we deny growing older
To the nights we will never forget
Our endless search of who we are
Our countless attempts to discover love
to our many accomplishments
Even more to our failures

To those short moments of utter beauty
Those long stretches of never ending work
To the addition to our already overwhelming responsibilities
To all those love songs

All those crazy nights we vowed to never repeat
To that same night back at the club after that vow
This is to anyone who has lived life
To anyone that grows up

Never forget to open your eyes
Never let yourself grow up to much
The loss of imagination is death in itself
We are just a part of this beautiful orchestra
Just a note in a never ending piece

We are here today, gone tomorrow
So easy is life lost
It never really seems fair
Sometimes it is lost sooner than anyone could imagine
Regardless, it is something everyone lives with

One of the biggest lessons life can teach
Never take for granted every breath you take
Every moment you share
Every touch, Every smell, Every sight

Just take a moment to stop
Open your eyes
Gaze endlessly at your surroundings
Beauty can be found in any setting
Even as terrible as it may seem

Never grow up to much as you could lose your mind
Never forget to love for its the best drug life has to offer
Never forget to open your mind

Never forget to live..."
