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6-Day Nutrition and Diet Video Series
Plus a Bonus on the 7th Day!

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To Get Signed Up:
Click the Red button labeled "Be A Coach" on the Right

If you have considered being a coach, If you are looking into it, or if you are just waiting then this video is for you. Building your business as a Team Beachbody Coach takes times and exposure. You must take the steps necessary to brand yourself and to reach out and help those around you.

Because it takes time the best thing you can do for yourself is to get signed up asap. That's what I did and I wouldn't be where I am today if I did not take that action. To be a coach you must have the mindset to work and to take small steps each day to achieve your overall goals.

  • You must be willing to help others
  • Be ready to share your Passion for life and fitness
  • Motivate and Share what works for you
  • Learn, Network, and Grow Relationships
  • You must be honest and hold integrity

If you are of the Mindset to succeed and you can achieve what is placed in front of you - Don't hesitate and sign up now. You can learn as you go but what's important is that you get yourself setup.

It's $40 to become a coach Today - Then $15 a month 30 days from now and every 30 days.

To become active you must have at least 50 Personal Volume Points each month. You will get this through purchases with Beachbody - Keep in mind as a coach you also get 25% off all of your purchases in the Beachbody store.

As a new coach you will get the special chance to grab the Showcase Package for $200 one time. You will get over $400 worth of programs and equipment. It is not necessary but it is highly recommended, especially if you are just starting and don't have a program yet.

You'll get:

  • P90X
  • Power 90
  • Slim in 6
  • Yoga Booty Belly
  • Turbo Jam
  • Hip Hop Abs

So many choices and a great way to lend programs out for those curious about starting in their fitness.

But above all - Take Action! Sign up now and I'll get you setup for success just like I have done. That's it.

Independent Beachbody Emerald Coach
Jason Croxford aka BetterBody90
Skype 'JasonCroxford'
AoL 'BetterBody90'