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on 7:27 AM

Hey everyone!

My rest day was pretty good yesterday, I stuck close to a good diet and as much as I wanted to stray - I didn't! :)

I have a long term goal and nothing can break that. I love having WOWY, my blog, and my video blog to keep myself accountable and to keep pushing play! As anyone knows, staying motivated day in and day out isn't exactly easy; After reaching day 15 today, I have no reason to let myself slide. I've started keeping a daily log of snapshots so at the end I can do a time-lapse 360 view of my results, starting day 12 and up.

Today I will start with a pre-Ab X routine instead of doing it directly after Chest/Back or later in the day. I think this will be the best way to go about it but I'll let you know how it goes!

Stay tuned!