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on 5:24 AM

Wow it's been several days since my last update! Between work at Red Robin and the holidays I haven't had time to blink. Most of my days I spend over tired and don't get online to update this blog.

However with that said, just because I'm to busy to update doesn't mean I haven't been completing my exercise! I am still bringing daily though the time varies a lot. Sometimes I work out in the early A.M. and other times its late at night.

I added Creatine Mono hydrate and 100% pure Whey Protein to my diet starting Dec 30th. I decided it was time to start supplementing, Even with my high protein and relatively healthy diet I found I wasn't getting the desired level of protein. The general rule is 1g of pure protein per 1lb of body weight. Last I checked I was roughly 150lbs so I should be consuming no less than 150g of Protein, My goal is 150g-200g/day. 2 scoops of my protein powder adds a quick and easy 52g without requiring time to plan and cook a good meal. This works very well to compensate for my work schedule and the restrictions it causes on my diet.

Yesterday started week 4 with Yoga and today will be day 23 with Core Synergistics. I can't tell you how excited I am for this workout! I don't have time this morning as I have to work... Again; but I should have decent time this afternoon once I get back.

Expect a blog update and perhaps a video when I complete today's workout. I want to tell you how it went and how it felt because this is a new video in my journey.

Stay tuned...

*New! I haven't given in to the pressure. Or have I?

Well as the headline says, I'm still going at it! I may be a couple days behind on my updates but I haven't given up on myself. I'm glad to see I finally have some readers who are following along. Makes me happy to know I'm motivating others!

I completed Core Synergistics, It may have nearly killed me, but I did it! This workout really puts it all on the table. You don't do any repeats moves in the video, its just one insane thing after another. I mean, come on! I thought I was in "Ok" shape before I did this. My Ego was soon put to shame.

It's ok though, I completed it and that's all that matters! I want everyone to tell me what they think of this workout, I certainly can't be the only poor sap left panting on the floor while trying to do "Walking Pushups" - Can I?

Try it out! You WILL NOT be disappointed. If you want to sweat, burn, and feel over-all accomplishment in your day - Core Synergistics is for you!


Anonymous said...

congrats so far on your p90x completion of ALMOST 30 days.. almsot done with phase 1!! yay!

quick question
what size weights are you using when you are doing the exercises?

i'm thinking of getting P90X and starting it sometime soon

Jason Croxford said...

Thanks Robert! "Yay" is right, I'm so excited for the next phase!

* I currently have two sets of dumb bells which seem to meet my needs. I have 2x 10 lbs and 2x 15 lbs. For most of the Shoulder/Bicep/Tricep workouts I combine them for 25 lbs in each hand.
I think this will hold me for about one more week.
To clarify: Most of my tricep workouts are completed with 10 or 15 lbs only, this also includes shoulder fly's.

P90X is well worth the journey! I've had my Up days and Down days but in the end, I'm glad I pushed play!