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I'm feeling a little under the weather.

Sadly I have come down with a cold, so far my sinuses have all but closed off and my throat has been rather sore. It all came on out of no where - I went to bed Sunday night feeling fine, woke up around 3 am randomly and noticed my throat was pretty sore, from that point on it's been settling in.

No Stretch X for me

With that said I want to let you know that even though I had high hopes of completing Stretch X I did not do it. I decided a day of rest would benefit me much more. My recovery time has been longer since I have come down sick, my energy levels just plain suck, and my motivation is teetering on the edge.

I will not give in though, today is Ab X and Shoulders/ Arms - I think it will feel great to complete these workouts! I know I won't have 110% to bring but I am going to bring all that I have. I will do my best to forget how I feel and put myself in the moment of how I Want to feel!

Do what you can - Bring what you can - Just do it!

I will be updating in a couple hours after I complete my workouts - I have to wait another hour or so as I ate not to long ago. I will be including a Vblog update and also a new video project I am working on to incorporate my P90X and Marketing efforts into one.

I want to give a quick preview of what you can expect from my new project!

  • Find ways to lose weight and mix up your new diet!
  • Learn a new healthy meal or recipe
  • Gain value in your personal and business developement
  • Learn about marketing news, strategies, and resources
  • etc.

Stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work! I'm sorry to hear your sick but don't give up. You've got the right idea. I'm on day 2 and following your blog. I need you to follow thru so that i have NO excuse! :)

Jason Croxford said...

@ Cara Starr
No worries, a little cold won't stop me! It gives me motivation to hear that people like you are following along as I go through this =). Thanks for your comment - Make sure and follow my blog by clicking "follow" on the right hand side, that way you get my updates!

I read your profile, so your a "klutz"? P90X will teach you balance - So Push play Today! =)